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Showing posts from June, 2012

We always move faster

We always move faster. That's why we cannot hear the voice of our heart. What our heart says listen to this. If you hear your heart, you will get the path to exit from the boundary of life. Don't ever listen to outer world voice. In order to listen your heart, you will have to let off something. If whole day an iPod is getting plugged into your ear how will you listen to your heart. I think you will be wise in order to listen to your heart.

Our Ego

Our ego always deceives us that we are not love. We are our ego. That is the false belief which finally make your life miserable. The true thing is we are not our ego. Without our ego we are liberated, unconditioned love, whole and complete. Once this belief get the niche in your life, you will see how your life changes dramatically. Each and every aspects of your life will be changed. This will help you to see the good and bad everything comes from one source. There is no dualism. Life is from God and death also. Light is from God and darkness also. So there is a universality, you will observe in your mind. You cannot hate a rapist because this heinous work comes from same source from where celibacy comes. That is the secret in order to success in life. We see everything in dual mood. But everything comes from one source. Good and bad everything.     

Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is the seat of your Higher Self. Subconscious mind always works. If you give it constructive work, it will work accordingly. If you don't it will work to destroy yourself. So everybody should give his/her subconscious mind some work so that it will busy with this work while you are sleeping. The subconscious mind is like a farmland if you sow good seed you will harvest accordingly. Conversely if you sow faulty seed, you will reap your grain accordingly. So it is you who will make the choice. Where will be your destination, you are in the driving seat. Whether you will be successful or not. 

We are love

We are love limitless, luminous and unconditioned. Without having any material possession we are whole and complete. We are peace and tranquil without our family and wealth. This is the true nature of us. If you believe it you can be liberated yourself. Otherwise you will be in utmost misery. Your ego subtly deceives you that you are not whole and complete without having all those material possession and relationship. You live in a society where your subconscious constantly acquire this message that you are not love. You have to brush your subconscious by hypnotherapy so that you can realize your true nature. Once you realize your true nature; you get freedom.  This freedom is a million dollar worth. Nothing can be equal to it.