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Showing posts from July, 2012

Gratitude to the Almighty God

We are in misery because we are ingratitude to the Almighty God. Wherever you are and whoever you are always remember that there are so many people who are in more misery than you. This attitude towards life will bring serenity in your life. Gratitude brings tranquility in your heart. Peace and tranquil mind is necessary for anything to be done. When your mind is peace and tranquil you could do anything. Nothing will be impossible for you. So this is the truth lies beneath the gratitude to the Almighty God.

We are in misery

We are in misery because we are lazy. We are ignorant. We don't know  what our true essence is. If we would have known this, we would not have in misery. The all misery you have is because you are not conscious. You are leading an unconscious life. Your life is being motivated by your surroundings. You cannot motivate your surroundings. Because you don't have consciousness. There are so many fearful things surrounding you that are constantly sending message to your subconscious mind that you are not your true essence. You are your ego is their message. But the true thing is you are not your ego. Without ego you are love unconditioned, limitless and luminous. You will be never destroyed. You are a cosmic traveler. Death cannot stop your journey. It is only a step to go anywhere else. Defile all the negative imprints you have accumulated from all the years of your life. Gradually you will understand what you have. Best wishes and good luck for all of you.

Inner Smile

Inner smile is the Qiqong most secret matter to increase love and devotion inside you. Smile with your eye and jaw regularly. It will help you to increase love inside you. Love is the ultimate destination of all human beings. The purpose of all human beings is to increase the love quotient.