Cloudy sky and sunny sky these are the two pictures of our
very familiar sky. From the nature you can see everything has its opposite. When
you are happy chances are you might be unhappy for the next time. Life is what
it is. Its ups and downs. Summers and winters. Sometimes life gives you
problems, struggles and challenges. When a problem arises let it be its own
way. The world is neither optimistic nor pessimistic. It is in between them. The
only way to make you happy is lessening the misery. Every misery has a reason
says Buddha. The very basic reason is greed. When you are greedy enough
probabilities are you may fall in trouble. If you can come out from self-indulgence, you will
be able to find out the freedom.
The more love you will give to the world the more you will receive. In a single sense this is the law of attraction. All we want to get more rather than giving more. Our lust is infinite. Every time we are thinking about how do I get more? How do I get this and that? We become frustrated when we do not get these. This is our life cycle. But the law of attraction says give more you will get more. This is a sense you will have to develop in your inner world. When you will take care of your inner world the outer world will take care of yourself.
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