Love, surrender and devotion. Without LSD meditation is fruitless. We are love. Love is our true essence. Consciousness in it's highest form is love. That love is not romantic one, it is unconditional love. If somebody harms to you, you will not harmful to him/her. Love is everywhere. When you will see love is everywhere, you are in the right path. That is your true consciousness.
The more love you will give to the world the more you will receive. In a single sense this is the law of attraction. All we want to get more rather than giving more. Our lust is infinite. Every time we are thinking about how do I get more? How do I get this and that? We become frustrated when we do not get these. This is our life cycle. But the law of attraction says give more you will get more. This is a sense you will have to develop in your inner world. When you will take care of your inner world the outer world will take care of yourself.
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